Thursday 18 October 2012

Sharing your Personal Space

I have finally decided to settle down and focus on the topic of sharing your personal
space with others. I'm looking at different types of relationships such as family, friends and romantic relationships and how these can be expressed visually in an art form.

I started by making simple wire sculptures. Exploring different forms of sharing your personal space with others through different gestures. Holding others close to you is the most common form of friendly/ romantic gestures. Body language is another big part of this subject, whether or not that person wants you near them.

I plan on making a series of different small figures out of different materials. Recently I made simple looking figures that look a lot like chess pieces with arms, out of clay and made little animations or scenarios with them. I also plan on making making a large amount of these. Hopefully this would have a more dramatic effect rather than just having a few little sculpture's sitting on the table. All of which will be different materials. I plan on making more simple figures out of ice/ wax and melting it, taking pictures as it melts which would be like a metaphor for old age and plaster so I can make many copies quickly and easily. Perhaps I'll experiment with latex too and see what that's like.


Remember my experiment 'claim your space' with the big box? I decided to experiment a little more and cut a figure out of it. What's left of the box is a bit ruined! The figure I did simply with the common symbol used for men... Like the sign on the male toilets! I placed my cardboard man under my table all curled up, he's meant to look lonely but actually looks like a lifeless body..whoops! Maybe it'll get a interesting reaction from the people who see it.


The 'claim your space' experiment was a bit of a failure. But! People enjoyed and had fun drawing and writing on it so in a way it was successful! The main point was for others to enjoy it!!!
I then wanted to see what it would be like if someone got inside the box. Looks alot like a coffin! It was interesting..and funny watching my friend adapt to the small space so she could step inside. This relates to a previous subject I was researching, 'Adapting to your space'.

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