Monday 22 October 2012

Blog Review and Progress Review

Blog Review

I had my blog review recently. We just connected the computer to the projector and went through the blogs. Everyone had to explain their blog, going through each post and what it was about. Wasn't anything too difficult.
 I was the second person to speak about my blog, I just scrolled through it and gave a little explanation for each post. In one of my blogs there is a picture of my friend lying in a box and looks alot like a coffin, my tutors seemed to have found that interesting. Then we were talking about history and coffins.
 I only spoke for a few minutes and then it was the next persons turn. I kept an eye on my tutors and they responed with nods to everything I said... I take that as a good thing. The tutors didn't say anything bad about my blog or areas to improve, so I presume I'm doing it right!
Overall it was a simple review and I had no negative comments thankfully.

Progress Reviews

I have my Progrss Review on the 25th. Everyone is in a panic trying to set up their displays of work. Hopefully it won't be too bad and is something similar to a tutorial. Just explaining your idea and the work you've done and they look through your contextual book and sketchbooks. We were asked to write a statement too. Just a basic outline in bullet points of all the work I've done so far. I already have it written out but I think I'll type it out and print it on the computer instead... It just looks better!

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