Sunday 30 September 2012

First tutorial

Met my tutor to talk about my ideas on Thursday, she caught me by surprise by coming about two hours early! I think I may have confused her when trying to explain my idea and also ended up confusing myself. I got my point across in the end though I think.

They advice my tutor gave me was both helpful and confusing but I'm glad I got the opportunity to talk to her to give me some guildance. Apparantly my ideas are to obvious. You would look at the finished piece for two seconds and move on. I wouldn't have realised this if I hadn't talked to my tutor. I want the people looking at my work to enjoy and ponder over it, not glance at it and move on!

I now have a few more ideas for my brief, they all seem to be sculpure related. I must have been a sculptist in a previous life! I want to try make sculptures that'll foce the viewer to react. For example a large sculpture that looks unbalanced and as if it will fall over. Hopefully it'll give the viewer a sense of uncertainty and won't want to get to close... even though the sculpture would be stable. Another idea is to make a cast of negative space, similar to Rachel Whiteread, except it's related to personal space. It'll be a cast of the space between two or more people, to make a solid of empty space. Then put an imprint of the person into this solid shape. All the ideas sound great in my head, but lets see how they turn out first!

Not long after my chat with my tutor, we had a little seminar in our studio. It was a nice relaxing discusson! First our lecturer telling us a bit about himself and then went around the room and we also told a bit about ourselves. Then we moved on discussing what the seminars will involve and will be assessed on our little presentation when the assessments are due. Doesn't seem to bad :)

I also had my studio tutorial Friday. It was different to last Friday and I found it pretty interesting. It was an exercise to make us use our imagination. Our imginatin fades as we get older, unlike a child who's imagination is endless. It's a shame to lose the ability to use your imagination. We basically had verbal brainstorm. Starting with one word and jumping from one word to another, all linked in some way yet all different and leading you in different directions with your ideas. I thought it was a great method to get your brain working!

What adventures lie ahead of me next week I wonder? :P

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