Sunday 30 September 2012

First tutorial

Met my tutor to talk about my ideas on Thursday, she caught me by surprise by coming about two hours early! I think I may have confused her when trying to explain my idea and also ended up confusing myself. I got my point across in the end though I think.

They advice my tutor gave me was both helpful and confusing but I'm glad I got the opportunity to talk to her to give me some guildance. Apparantly my ideas are to obvious. You would look at the finished piece for two seconds and move on. I wouldn't have realised this if I hadn't talked to my tutor. I want the people looking at my work to enjoy and ponder over it, not glance at it and move on!

I now have a few more ideas for my brief, they all seem to be sculpure related. I must have been a sculptist in a previous life! I want to try make sculptures that'll foce the viewer to react. For example a large sculpture that looks unbalanced and as if it will fall over. Hopefully it'll give the viewer a sense of uncertainty and won't want to get to close... even though the sculpture would be stable. Another idea is to make a cast of negative space, similar to Rachel Whiteread, except it's related to personal space. It'll be a cast of the space between two or more people, to make a solid of empty space. Then put an imprint of the person into this solid shape. All the ideas sound great in my head, but lets see how they turn out first!

Not long after my chat with my tutor, we had a little seminar in our studio. It was a nice relaxing discusson! First our lecturer telling us a bit about himself and then went around the room and we also told a bit about ourselves. Then we moved on discussing what the seminars will involve and will be assessed on our little presentation when the assessments are due. Doesn't seem to bad :)

I also had my studio tutorial Friday. It was different to last Friday and I found it pretty interesting. It was an exercise to make us use our imagination. Our imginatin fades as we get older, unlike a child who's imagination is endless. It's a shame to lose the ability to use your imagination. We basically had verbal brainstorm. Starting with one word and jumping from one word to another, all linked in some way yet all different and leading you in different directions with your ideas. I thought it was a great method to get your brain working!

What adventures lie ahead of me next week I wonder? :P

Wednesday 26 September 2012

Idea: Sharing your Personal Space

Recently I seem to have gone anther direction wth my ideas. I'm still exploring the idea of personal space but this time I'm looking at relationships and how we share our personal space with others or to contradict that idea, how we can exclude or prevent others from getting close to us and allowing them into our personal space. There's also the invasion of your space, if  you feel uncomfortable aound people that are standing a little to close. I've often heard people scolding others "get out of my face!" or "your in my space!" ... We've all felt that sense of invasion into your personal space and often people can get defensive if you get a little to close. Unless of course your very familiar with that person!

I'll continue researching this idea and see where it will lead me. I'll be speaking to my tutors soon so we'll see what they think.

Sunday 23 September 2012

First crit and Culture Night

Had my first little group discussion (crit) on Friday. Tutor came in and went around the room asking everyone for their ideas. Was really interesting finding out what everyone elses ideas were. Some seemed complicated and some easy but effective, everyone had their own unique idea and style.
When it came to my turn to tell everyone my ideas, it seems all my ideas left my head and I had a uuuuuuuh moment :p I managed to say my idea in the end and the tutor didn't seem to have any problems with it so I was happy.

Friday evening I attended the Cultural Night event. I had a look at the exhibitions and talks on in Ormston House and Faber Studio. It was really interesting listening to the artists themselves speek about their own art, pointing out the ideas behind the paintings, ideas which you may not have realised unless you listened to the artist. Ormston House exhibition consisted of only paintings where as Faber Studio made sculptures out of recycled materials or objects that have been throw away, such as scrap metal, stolen bikes that were not claimed at the police station. There was all sorts of objects there. The artists made a bar to serve refreshments out of pieces of wood and metals and such. I found that to quite quirky and fun! The Culture night reminded me of the EVA event I attended, going from gallery to gallery admiring all the different art.

I hope to attend other events such as this in the future :)

Thursday 20 September 2012

Jacob Stack

Jacob Stack
While I was brain storming trying to think of new ideas, I ended up doing a small little doodle and immediately thought of this guy, Jacob Stack. He was a art student graduate at LSAD. I saw his work at the LSAD graduate show and really enjoyed them.Many are simple but really effective and others are crammed full of detail! His work mainly explored minimalism. I couldn't help but smile when looking at his work. His tiny characters seem to be own type of animation. The human like figures have very little features and he also some characters are animals, such as polar bears.

Jacob Stack
Huge amount of detail! Can you find the character?
His pieces have a great sense of space. Every object in his pieces have amazing detail, every minute detail is visible. His attention to detail makes the viewer explore the piece for a long period of time, trying to find small hidden characters. I find this interaction with the viewer really enjoyable and it's almost like a game trying to find those hidden characters entwinted in all the detail.

Tuesday 18 September 2012


I have always enjoyed making things from paper, not origami! Unfortunately I'm not that good...yet!! I decided to do more research into paper sculptures and what I found were amazing, beautiful, clean and very complicated looking ssculptures.
 Paper seems to be a material not often used for sculptures, which is strange since we are surrounded by paper everyday. Paper is easy to manipulate into your desired shape and if used correctly can be very effective and dramatic. It's best not to crumple the paper too much if you are looking for a clean, sharp look, to contrast this effect, of course you can have fun crumpling up as much paper as you like to give a worn, dishevelled effect. Adding colour is extremely effective but there is a purity in the white paper that shouldn't be overlooked!

Here are some interesting pieces I found during  my research.

Even paper clothes!! 

Discovering Richard Serra

Richard Serra
Richard Serra
Richard Serra is an artist I recently discovered during my research. I really like how his large pieces curve and coils through space. It interacts with the viewer by allowing them to walk through his maze like structures. His sculptures give a wonderful sense of space. They are hugely tall and open across a wide radius. You can imagine when you step inside these scructures the echo your voice would make. His large sculptures of sleek curving walls break up a space beautifully.

Monday 17 September 2012

Brief ....To Sense My Space

Week 1 of introduction lectures are finished and now it's time to get to work! We were given our studios and work spaces and some materials to work with, now we're left to work on our own and research our brief, "To Sense My Space".
 For the past few days I have mainly been researching different artists. I took down every artist's name mentioned in our introduction lectures. I found Antony Gormley very interesting and will use his work and other artist's as reference. I have made mind maps and a few sketches to help me on my journey to making lots of ideas, let's just hope the tutors like them!
 My main ideas focus on the senses. For example the sense of lonliness can be depicted as a figure sitting alone in the corner, or the sense of feeling sufficated can be depicted as being surrounded by a large crowd. I find when exploring these senses that the negative emotions are the most graphic!
 I have to have my research finished by the end of this week! I'll let you know how it goes.

Antony Gormley
Antony Gormley