Monday 3 December 2012

Assingments finished, Friday Crit and back to work!

I'm freeeeeeeeeeee!!!! No more CCS assignments to do. I can finally focus on my work without being distracted by essays.

We had our introduction lectures to the second year disciplines. The work shown to us was of really good quality, bit daunting on we baby first years! :P I'm particularly interested in Animation and Painting. I've always been interested in these areas of art and finally have the opportunity to explore them properly. As my third choice for the second semester electives, I decided to try print. I enjoyed the workshops and that helped me make my choice.

Today the sign up sheets went up for our electives. I come in early on the bus everyday so it was handy signing up without waiting in a long queue. Now that is out of the way I can get back to work.... lots of things are keeping me busy lately!

Friday Crit
On Fridays we have group ctits or discussions. It's important to talk about your work to help you understand your work better and also its a skill you have to develop as an artist. I enjoyed last Fridays crit, it was pretty helpful. We got into groups and discussed eachothers work. Afterwards we got up and explained another students work to the class and our interpretation of it and maybe advice and ideas we have that could help them.
When it my works turn to be discussed I was a little nervous since tutors often dont like my work BUT!!!!! the tuitor liked it!!!! I was so happy! She liked the idea of my little "adventure" and stop motion ideas and also liked my paintings. That made me very happy since the tutor specialises in painting. That was the confidence boost I needed. Now to get to work and start my ideas.

The advice given to me was what I already had in mind but now I will definitely try them. I already made different little figures out of clay, all with different expressions. I'll cast one of these so I can made quick multiple copies. I'll also try make them from wax and ice. Also I should leave them somewhere and come back some time later and see what happened to them.

Well... of to work I go :)


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