Monday 1 April 2013

How things will be from now on

Since I got the animation elective I have to set up another blog or change the name of this one.
I decided to make another one. I'll keep this one for general art, if I do any paintings or whatever and the new one will be only for animation: my research, ideas, drawings, videos and summaries of ccs lectures I have.

Here's the link to my animation blog:

Animation is pretty difficult because I'm basically a cave woman and don't know how to use the technology or software...but I'll get there eventually. It's great fun though!!!
Wish me luck!!!

Second Week Painting

Started my second week of painting and it's business as usual. More blind and card drawings, but this week we moved on to colour and shapes. How to use colour properly using the colour wheel and painting from our construction, painting only shapes or blocks of colour

First we had to mix the primary colours to make a brown, but mine turned out pinky. We then had to add a little white to make a dark, middle and light tone. Once that was done we began painting the construction starting from the background to the foreground painting only blocks of colour, no details! This is what I came up with:

We then moved onto the colour wheel and complimentary colours. How certain colours compliment each other to make them more vibrant or stand out more.

colour wheel and it's complimentary colours

We then were given the exercise of painting swatches, where we took a colour, for example yellow and put a brush stroke onto paper and then added a tiny bit of its complimentary colour (purple) to it and again put a separate brushstroke on the paper. You continue this process until the dirty yellow colour eventually turns to purple. We then had to do this for all the complimentary colours. Everyone's turned out different, here are mine:

We chose two complimentary colours to paint with. Mine were purple and yellow, to paint the construction with. Using a dark (purple), middle (purple mixed with yellow) and light (yellow) tones. Again only painting blocks of colours and no details, here's mine:

We were then left to paint in detail for our final piece before assessment. We painted what we saw in the construction... colours, shapes and details. Mainly taking in to account the colours and trying to get them as accurate as you could. Here's my final piece:

The yellow balloon in the background bugs me. The yellow is very transparent and dark colours are visible underneath
I then set up on Friday for my assessment and cleared away my stuff in the room.